And... Voila! You've Got Three Chances to #WinAThreesome This Week...
of #Tix 2 #AbracaDABS with @JackHererHemp & @The420TreeHouse!
***One Threesome of Tickets 2 #Abra_Ca_Dabs will be given away on
January 6, 2014 at #MonDaze @The420TreeHouse LIVE between 4:20 -7:10 PM
(Must Be Present To Win)
***#ReTweet & #ReGram #HempCanSaveThePlanet #AbracaDABS the week of
January 6, 2014 starting at High Noon To Win a Threesome of Tix 2
@Abra_CA_Dabs and the winner will be announced at 4:20 PM on the
#HempCanSaveThePlanet LiveStream show on Monday, January 13, 2014 at
4:20 PM
***One Threesome of Tickets 2 #AbraCADabs will be given away during the
LIVE Performance by 2Mex & ThePiffman @The420TreeHouse on January
11, 2014!