The current "schedule 1" category the DEA has assigned Cannabis, stipulates:
- (A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
- (B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
- (C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
- (A) There has been NO evidence of a death by overdose of Cannabis in over 5000 YEARS!
- (B) 16 of our 50 States currently prescribe Medical Marijuana.
- (C) The US Government holds patents stating that Cannabinoids ARE therapeutic as antioxidants and neuroprotectants while still providing Medical Cannabis to the 4 living Patients in the Compassionate Investigational New Drug Study program, started in 1978...
As Hemp Can Save The Planet takes the message of Jack Herer's Emperor Wears No Clothes around the globe, we have spoken with leaders in this broad movement that encompasses environmental concerns, civil liberties, religious freedom, and ultimately the Pursuit of Happiness. It is difficult to get so many spirited activists to agree on the issues of the day... but it is beyond evident that we are at a Tipping Point and Everyone Agrees that we must work together in these trying times to right the injustices of over 40 years of a neverending "War on Drugs".
We spoke with Tim Spark about the important issue on Cannabis Times Radio just yesterday:
Listen to internet radio with Cannabis Times Mag on Blog Talk Radio
And then this article came out in Politico TODAY:
We ask everyone to show their support for this important global issue on Facebook by Liking the DeSchedule Cannabis Today Page.DeSchedule Cannabis Today

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This is not just about smoking pot- so let's break it down fiscally & wise up statistically & once the people know the Truth about Hemp, we can look forward to the TODAY of DeScheduleCannabisToday!
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